About Us


We're tired of America being #1 in chronic disease rates while spending the most money BY FAR on healthcare. We're tired of Americans feeling drained and depressed. We're tired of America being poisoned through food. It's genocide, and it has to stop.



Hey, my name is Jay Nunn. Growing up, I played basketball and was always active, but I never had the energy I needed to live up to my potential. Despite working hard and running every day, I felt like crap. I was constantly drained, tired, and struggling with depression. I didn't realize that the foods I was eating—processed grains, meats, added sugars, seed oils, and other ultra-processed foods—were harming my health and stealing my vitality. I was running out of energy, and it felt like I didn't have much left in the tank at a young age.

That was until I discovered the power of whole foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and herbs. I learned about fasting and the purifying and revitalizing power of detoxification. I cut out garbage foods like gluten, dairy, and meat. I fasted. I took herbs. And now I feel pure energy and clarity 99% of the time.

The truth is in America we don;t feel as good as we should and it''s because we aren't utilizing God's food.

"Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.'" (Genesis 1:29)

God put all kinds of medicine right here on Earth in the form of natural foods, and that’s why I created the Detox Academy Instagram and started selling healing herbal superfoods. We have already spread awareness on the transformative powers of proper nutrition and detoxification to millions of people. We have already sold herbs to 12,000+ people. We have already helped thousands of people cbring back there youthful energy.

A pure body roduces pure energy.